well, i had been miserable and in lots of pain for a while but i was sucking it up and waiting for my 36 week appointment on friday 3-12 to talk to my doc. i was hoping to go in and set an induction date for a week or two later but when i got there the nurse took my bp and it was about 140/111 and my urine was pretty much looking like iced tea and reading 5+ protein (i think is how she said it). she had me lie down on my side and was going to check my bp again but my OB walked in and checked my cervix (still at a 3cm) and told me he wasn’t going to check my bp again, i was going straight up to L&D and he was really confidant we would be having babies that day! i was really shocked...i never imagined it would actually happen THEN! he said “call your mom NOW so she can have a chance at being here for these ones!” she missed birth of DS and i desperately wanted her here for me! my sister and my mom immediately set off from San Antonio to be there.
so i was admitted at about noon and hooked up to a monitor. i was already contracting bad so idk if it was the cath or the internal that triggered them. my doc came in and said he was going to start me on pitocin to speed things up and also mag to help with my bp (which was up 179/114 when i was admitted) the nurses kept telling me i was really sick and they were worried.
so at about 3:15 he came in and broke baby A’s water and then OMG did that kick start some stuff. i knew i would have to have an epi or at least a cath incase of an emergency c/s so i figured if i had to have the needle and stuff, i might as well take the drugs that came with it. we had a few issues with starting the epi but OMG when the drugs kicked in, it was GLORIOUS! i was really ashamed though because i wanted as med-free of a delivery as i could have.
my mom and sister got there and mil and DH were there playing the waiting game. OB said we would head back to OR when i was 8cm to get ready. i was progressing really slow (it seemed) at first but then it went from 5-9 in like an hour. epi had been wearing off and the pain was ALL there! OB came in and said i was at an 8 and went to prep OR. about 15 mins later i had pressure and he ran back and i was already complete. i have never seen so many people move so fast. this was about 9:30pm.
we got to OR and omg i was nervous. they tried to administer another epi but only my legs and butt got numb. it did make delivering Mackayla a little difficult b/c i could not bear down like i needed to but at 10:12 PM my beautiful DD was born! i was sooooo tired! no sleep for a few days and stresses of things really caught up to me. she cried and i just broke down. they took her and DH went to see her and they came back and i saw her, she is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life and i am soo in love! then they said...6lbs 13oz and i was REALLY in shock! we only made it 36 weeks and 1 day and she was huge! i really didnt think i could do it again and wondering how i was going to be able to get baby B out.
then things started slowing ALOT! epi wore off again and baby B was SLOWLY moving down to be born. i tried pushing but idk if i was so tired or what...i cannot say how many times i begged for a c/s. my OB said “well, this is how you wanted it...natural!” ugh! i know but, UGH! i will admit delivering these LO’s is a lot different than delivering a 3lb 8oz baby.
so finally about 11:15 i got the urge to push but he really wasn’t budging. OB said he didn’t think we were going to make it by midnight and it looked like my LO’s would have separate b-days. around 11:55 i started pushing like there was no tomorrow and OB used forceps (thank GOD b/c i dont think i could do it alone) and at 11:59PM our beautiful baby boy, Braylon was born! looks like they will be sharing the same b-day! then came back for me to see him and he was 7lbs 3oz! WTH! 14lbs worth of baby! where did it all come from?
i was kept for high b/p then me and Mackayla were discharged from the hospital on 3-15 but stayed in-room with Braylon (he had some jaundice issues and a bout with low blood sugar) but then he was discharged yesterday, 3-16 and we all are home now. Happy and Healthy!
sorry it was so long but what an experience!!! needless to say, we are super happy and i am the proudest mommy ever!!!