Saturday, June 5, 2010

to follow-up from last post...MY LOVES

I LOVE this!


Mister! (our first trip to the lake and first time on a boat!)

still too high...

well, i went to the doctor today (the last appt i was told to track my BP with an at home monitor and report back) and i was told that my BP is too high still. they put me on beta blockers to try and help control it. somethings gotta give, i am only 24 and didn't think i would have to be dealing with this stuff for at least another 20 years.

i think what scares me the most is that i may have to be on these meds forever :-( the pharmacy tech told me that i need to make sure that i don't just stop taking the meds or run out because if i miss it, my BP could sky rocket and i could have a stroke. a freakin stroke...i still cannot believe that i am having to deal with this NOW.

monday i have another appt (i have 2 next week) for blood work and to talk to the doctor again.

what do i think is causing this?
- the stresses of having 2 newborns at home (losing sleep, screaming, being stuck at home all the time, and just taking care of them in general)
- the stress of trying to finish my certification (ugh my re-take is Thursday)
- trying to find a freakin place to live
- trying to figure out if we can make it on just my income (i pay markhas insurance but no daycare) or trying to work out a schedule where we can both work (and i probably have to pay daycare Eeeek! or try and figure out how we can arrange the schedule to not have to have it)
- my oldest going through his terrible 3's and dealing with the road blocks of potty training
- trying to continue nursing the Peanuts (stupid IUD is giving me problems producing)
- not having a job stinks...its hard to have to stay at home everyday working my butt off with no pay check (besides the glory of being BLESSED with spending every moment with my kiddos...essentially what i wanted)
- i think all in all i need a real break...a vacation or something

i probably missed like 10 things but sitting here thinking about is probably boiling my blood now lol

another issue (may not be helping the situation) is trying to find a place to move to in ONE MONTH! Eeeeek! i signed my contract to teach in Shiner and now we are house hunting. we prefer not to buy our first year but it seems that the second a rental property pops up, its snagged before we even get the chance to pick up the phone. i guess i am stressing out WAY too much. but what happens if we have to buy. ok, i can deal with that but how long does it take to close on a house. we need to move the last weekend in July (at the LATEST) that gives us like zero time AND to top all things off, we live almost 2 hours away and its not like we can just drive by to look at a house or anything.


why the heck am i up? B ate at 2:30 and i thought that M would be up to eat shortly my surprise...NOT. now i know as soon as i fall asleep, she is going to wake up to eat. shes got about an hour until its 'time' before i will wake her up to feed her. maybe i will try to sleep...maybe not. i will probably just continue to scour the internet looking for a house.

well, vent OVER! thank you.

have a BLESSED day everyone! *MUAH*

Saturday, May 29, 2010


i have been doing a HORRIBLE job at keeping up with my blog. sorry, the Peanuts are keeping me busy and on my toes (to say the least)!

Mackayla and Braylon are 2 months 2 weeks and 3 days old! GAWD, where has the time gone?

Miss Mackayla Grace:

and Braylon Deion:

Wednesday was Abigail's spring concert and I cannot say how proud I am of her!

In other news: on Thursday May 20th I signed my contract with Shiner ISD as the new assistant band director! YAY! I am so freakin excited that its ridiculous. Now we are in search of a home and hoping to move next month but will definitely be there by mid-July!

Monday, April 12, 2010

lame lame lame

so we have been dealing with the stupid insurance company for month now...BTW our babies are a month old today!

BUT, when i called to tell them that they were born on 3-15 (3 days after birth b/c weekend) they 'didn't' add Braylon to the insurance! WTF!!!

Mackayla's was approved by the 18th and i have already received her card. i called today about Braylon's and they said that it could take 30 days from the report of change to approve the application. why approve her but not him...she said they were 'working on it'. Whatev.

poor Braylon is the one who has been needing medicine that we have had to pay out of pocket for b/c of this crap!

so whats the LAMEST part about this? the ladies excuse is that "the people are just so used to adding one baby not two so they probably forgot!" OMFG are you freakin kidding me? UGH!

the funny thing is that he was in the system (even though they said he wasn't) and i found this out b/c the lady slipped and said his name (before i even told her his name, she only had looked up mine)

*vent OVER!*

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

50+ lbs down!

well, the first pic is less then a week before i delivered and the second was taken this morning (about 2 1/2 weeks PP)

i'm still 20 lbs away from pre preg size (according to my weight when i got married in June) and about 70 away from my pre preg size when i had DS.

i think i feel so much better about still being a little over the weight is because i got sooo big that now i look really small :-D ha ha still kind of nervous to try on my clothes from pre pg...we shall see! AND i can wear my wedding bands! my feet are not swollen anymore either! its awesome!



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Birth Story!

well, i had been miserable and in lots of pain for a while but i was sucking it up and waiting for my 36 week appointment on friday 3-12 to talk to my doc. i was hoping to go in and set an induction date for a week or two later but when i got there the nurse took my bp and it was about 140/111 and my urine was pretty much looking like iced tea and reading 5+ protein (i think is how she said it). she had me lie down on my side and was going to check my bp again but my OB walked in and checked my cervix (still at a 3cm) and told me he wasn’t going to check my bp again, i was going straight up to L&D and he was really confidant we would be having babies that day! i was really shocked...i never imagined it would actually happen THEN! he said “call your mom NOW so she can have a chance at being here for these ones!” she missed birth of DS and i desperately wanted her here for me! my sister and my mom immediately set off from San Antonio to be there.

so i was admitted at about noon and hooked up to a monitor. i was already contracting bad so idk if it was the cath or the internal that triggered them. my doc came in and said he was going to start me on pitocin to speed things up and also mag to help with my bp (which was up 179/114 when i was admitted) the nurses kept telling me i was really sick and they were worried.

so at about 3:15 he came in and broke baby A’s water and then OMG did that kick start some stuff. i knew i would have to have an epi or at least a cath incase of an emergency c/s so i figured if i had to have the needle and stuff, i might as well take the drugs that came with it. we had a few issues with starting the epi but OMG when the drugs kicked in, it was GLORIOUS! i was really ashamed though because i wanted as med-free of a delivery as i could have.

my mom and sister got there and mil and DH were there playing the waiting game. OB said we would head back to OR when i was 8cm to get ready. i was progressing really slow (it seemed) at first but then it went from 5-9 in like an hour. epi had been wearing off and the pain was ALL there! OB came in and said i was at an 8 and went to prep OR. about 15 mins later i had pressure and he ran back and i was already complete. i have never seen so many people move so fast. this was about 9:30pm.

we got to OR and omg i was nervous. they tried to administer another epi but only my legs and butt got numb. it did make delivering Mackayla a little difficult b/c i could not bear down like i needed to but at 10:12 PM my beautiful DD was born! i was sooooo tired! no sleep for a few days and stresses of things really caught up to me. she cried and i just broke down. they took her and DH went to see her and they came back and i saw her, she is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life and i am soo in love! then they said...6lbs 13oz and i was REALLY in shock! we only made it 36 weeks and 1 day and she was huge! i really didnt think i could do it again and wondering how i was going to be able to get baby B out.

then things started slowing ALOT! epi wore off again and baby B was SLOWLY moving down to be born. i tried pushing but idk if i was so tired or what...i cannot say how many times i begged for a c/s. my OB said “well, this is how you wanted it...natural!” ugh! i know but, UGH! i will admit delivering these LO’s is a lot different than delivering a 3lb 8oz baby.

so finally about 11:15 i got the urge to push but he really wasn’t budging. OB said he didn’t think we were going to make it by midnight and it looked like my LO’s would have separate b-days. around 11:55 i started pushing like there was no tomorrow and OB used forceps (thank GOD b/c i dont think i could do it alone) and at 11:59PM our beautiful baby boy, Braylon was born! looks like they will be sharing the same b-day! then came back for me to see him and he was 7lbs 3oz! WTH! 14lbs worth of baby! where did it all come from?

i was kept for high b/p then me and Mackayla were discharged from the hospital on 3-15 but stayed in-room with Braylon (he had some jaundice issues and a bout with low blood sugar) but then he was discharged yesterday, 3-16 and we all are home now. Happy and Healthy!

sorry it was so long but what an experience!!! needless to say, we are super happy and i am the proudest mommy ever!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

quick update!

OMG we made it to 35 weeks 5 days!!!!! I cannot believe it!

no update here really. i am so ready to have these babies though (i know thats horrible and people really irritate me when they start complaining early but OMG i cannot breathe, i am soo swollen and sore, hurting all the time, cant rest b/c i cant get comfy....etc etc etc)

appt Friday. OB said hes going to let me go as far as i can but i am going to push to schedule an induction if i dont have them by like 37ish weeks. i just dont think i can handle it anymore

i have such painful contractions EVERY nite for HOURS and no progress and i rarely have any during the day :-( WTH. it stinks b/c all i want to do is sleep while i can and rest and i am in too much pain.

all-in-all, i am just sooooo excited to bring these beautiful babies into this world! i am so glad we have made it this far! i am almost 36 weeks and we didn't think i would make it out of the hospital at 29 weeks without having them. thank you Lord!

Friday, February 26, 2010

this is what bedrest does to you...BEWARE!

so the following are just a few of my makings and/or purchases while being bored at home!

the cutest bows for Mackayla!


OMG and I LOVE this hat! <3





Easter outfits!

Mackayla- Photobucket


Markhas Aiden-Photobucket

3 appts today...

so today was a great day of appts!

i take it back, i thought i was a cow but it looks like i am having cows :-D Mackayla is measuring 5lbs 3oz and Braylon is measuring 6lbs 4oz! HOLY COW! i know its just an estimate but its great news regardless!!!

doctor said next week we are in the clear and we talked today about having a vaginal-no medicine delivery...he said yes as long as they stay head down and there are no problems of course. he just wants a cath in if i need an emergency epi for a c-sect. thats super news! it means i still have a chance!

the Peanuts are doing GREAT! i am doing great aside from being exhausted and sore and achy and uncomfortable...i will stop ;-)

34 weeks 1 day today!!! 6 more days until our next goal! still at a 2cm and contracting (with some cramps and lower back pains) but nothing thats making me double over i am just supposed to keep an eye out. i guess bedrest is doing me some good (and more importantly, doing our LO's some good!)

oh and UGH, i gained 9 lbs this last week. everyone is assuring me that im supposed to gain more at the end...i guess when i look at how big the Peanuts have gotten in the last 2-3 weeks, i can see. i am thankful my clothes still fit for the most part so i guess its not that bad.

Have a BLESSED evening! <3

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nursery and 33 weeks PIP's!

DH has been working really hard on his days off! I cannot really do much on bed rest but i did paint the letters and read the directions for the furniture for him! DS of course had a helping hand as well!

So glad we are almost ready. waiting for the glider and waiting for mattresses so we can put the bedding on and then we are done!





Friday, February 19, 2010

got a lot done today and great 33 week appt!

today had 33 week appt, first NST, some bloodwork, iron-ons for DS's "big brother" shirts!, and the MUCH needed massage! boy, am I tired! i am so glad doc said it was ok to get the massage.

so the appt...great appt. still at a 1-2cm. i am sad (and i hate myself for thinking this...) b/c doc said i HAVE to have epidurel :-( in case i need emergency c-section (makes sense but i really wanted to go med-free again) and Ob says that if i don't go into labor on my own, he will wait until 38-39 weeks to take them (this is know is good for them but i cannot wrap my head around having what they are anticipating being two 7 1/2+lb babies!) and i am sooo tired (the only time i will complain...we are so blessed with the time the Lord is giving us to help our lo's along)

AND in the last week i have gained 6lbs :-O i cannot believe it this is great for the babies but i can't get it out of my mind how big i am now...i wasn't worried about this until now almost coming up to the 40lb mark...

oh and measuring almost 43 weeks i think is what she said.

protein in my urine but no worries. bp was great. NST was great.

sorry. just wanted to update! please dont flame for my pity complaints...i just feel so exhausted now.

oh...oh...also got the letters done for the nursery (well almost done) and we should be getting the furniture and stuff so the boys can get that set up and things will officially be COMPLETE and all we will need is precious little babies (not for at least week 6 days lol)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

today was a good day

my momma came up here and spent the day with me and my little man! we got my new phone taken care of and got my groceries and had lunch (CHINESE!!!!) and got some stuff for the nursery! it was awesome! i love spending time with my mommy and markhas definitely enjoyed his day with meme!

well, still hanging in here 32 weeks 5 days! our next goal, thursday is coming up pretty quick! both babies are head down and as far as we can see, have 'settled' actually baby B is trying to push A out of the way so he can come before his sister...she has been low for a LONG time and ready to go so i don't know how much of a chance he actually has :-D I am VERY happy that B turned around! the OB I was seeing at the hospital actually said when she discharged me if i was to deliver that day, she would let me go natural! that is sooo nice to hear! MY OB was so excited to see me Fri. he had not seen me since he shipped me off to the other hospital. our goal is 34 weeks but if i make it to 35 he will deliver me! he said any time before that and he will ship me off again incase we need the NICU. so ultimate goal is 35 weeks (thats the original time OB said he would deliver me too!) so we have 2 weeks and 2days until ultimate goal! i may be meeting my babies within the next 2 weeks or so!! hopefully 2 weeks and 2 days <3 <3 <3

This made me sad last night...i used to be soooo skinny (a PROUD size 10!) now after birthing babies, i look horrible and FAT :-( i wanted to cry...and this was only almost 5 years ago


Friday, February 12, 2010

so...2 weeks 6 days at least

34 weeks is the goal (MY Ob wants 35 b/c before that, he won't deliver me, he will transport me back to the hospital with the other Ob)

32 weeks means generally they can hold their temp and with the steroids have a better chance at breathing on their own...also, the chances of defects/illness is almost none!

34 weeks is all of the above PLUS they generally have the suck/swallow relfex (sometimes comes in between 32-34 weeks) and they need that of course to be able to eat on their own.

35 weeks is of course much safer (esp. since MY OB was going to deliver me between 35-36 weeks) and all the time the Peanuts spend inside mommy of course is better. :-D

hopefully keeping them baking until March 4th (thats the earliest date at which MY Ob will deliver me)

so here's to being on strict bedrest for the next 2 weeks and 6 days!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

32 weeks and waiting to go home!

we made it to our recent short term goal! 32 weeks!!! next short term = 33 week and ultimate is at least 34 weeks! YAY! over 2 weeks in the hospital has obviously been beneficial to our Peanuts being able to stay baking in mommy's tummy!

so dh and i are waiting for the OB to come in with discharge instructions! i am so excited to be going home today (nervous but excited) and we were worried about making it all the way back here if i went into labor again but OB has assured us that if we go back to l&d in our city and it is before 34 weeks, they will transport me back as soon as i am stabilized so we can be here where the NICU is.

GREAT news! Yesterday i had my u/s so ob can check on weights before sending me home... Braylon is 4lbs 8oz and Mackayla is 4lbs 3oz! both babies are in position and head down so there is still a really good chance i can have a natural delivery! wow, thats more weight than most normal wonder i am so fat and tired! measuring like 41 weeks and i am only going to be 32!

<3 have a BLESSED day! <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So the OB came in today to check me and after two weeks, i am still sitting at a 1 cm! so with things being pretty stable for the past two weeks, she is sending me home sometime tomorrow. i will get an u/s sometime today or tomorrow to make sure that the Peanuts are still doing great.

i cannot believe i have been in the hospital for 2 weeks today! wow...

kind of worried about going home but i feel confident that i can do it and hopefully hang on for another 2 weeks. so excited because we are almost at our next short term goal of 32 weeks...its tomorrow!

i am really looking forward to the u/s though to see how much they have grown in the last 2 weeks! i also get to see MY ob too (probably next week) which is good...its been odd seeing 3 different ones in my stay here.

now lets see if i can make it at home! *fingers crossed*

i will continue to keep everyone updated and i am very thankful for everyones thoughts and prayers! <3

Sunday, February 7, 2010


passcode: 51156

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

day 6...

first of all, thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers! we appreciate them so much!

Well, today is day 6 in the hospital. We are 30 weeks 5 days! next short term goal, 31 weeks (thurs)! yesterday was hard and nerve-wracking b/c I was contracting and in pain all day :-( my new doc came in today and checked me...GREAT news! I am still at a 1cm (i have really softened out though and babies are dropping) but for contracting for 3 days and not dilating, super! She was surprised we hung in there through out the weekend and is hoping to get a few more days! Every day more is better for our Peanuts!

I have been off the mag since Sat morning so we are still holding on strong! IF I have MANY good days (like 4-5) in a row, OB will consider sending me home but the soonest that will happen is early next week. She said that is only an option IF i can guarantee that i will be able to keep up with the strict bedrest (ONLY bathroom and shower) I do admit it scares me b/c once I get home, I am going to want to start doing a bunch of stuff...i must hold back. And I am kind of worried about helpers...

I also found out that she will consider a vaginal delivery if baby B turns head down! At first she said no b/c baby A is smaller but said if all is well and both are head down, she will give it a go! (i know i am most likely having a c-section so i don't want to get my hopes up but this makes me feel a little better knowing that we are not 100% c-section)

I really must admit, being here alone SUCKS! DH has to work so I may not see him until Thurs :-( unless something happens. I was so excited last night b/c DS came with MIL and spent the night with me! YAY! It is so hard to be away from everyone all the time.

So embarrassing=my mom having to give me a shower the other day b/c of my IV and stuff...OMG! I felt so incompetent. Highlight of my day today? being told I could wear clothes! sad huh? its so nice to not have to be around in freakin hospital gowns all the time :-D

Sorry so long. just wanted to update everyone a little bit!

Friday, January 29, 2010

full day 2

well i really only slept like 3 hours last nite which kinda sucked. the nurse was in every hour b/c they have to watch the medicine that i am on...the important one thats keeping me from having these Peanuts now.

this morning was ok. Markhas is so amazing! i know it has to suck to be here and i appreciate him so much! he was ready for this and made me get ready...i thought being ready meant it was time and i did not want it to be now. thank you for making me be packed and ready for this a few weeks ago love!

Ob came in and checked and in 24 hours, I had NOT dilated any more than i was at yesterday! thats good. contractions were about 20 minutes apart and that was definitely better than the 2-5 minutes apart that they were when i was transferred here.

i was informed that i will be taken off of the magnesium sulfate tomorrow morning at 9:30 am and then they will observe me and if things are going well, i will get to get off the catheter and have shower and bathroom privileges! that means i can walk around a little which is definitely better than being on restricted bedrest!

basically once i am off the mag, i think the deal is if i go into labor, i do and if not, GREAT! so we are keeping our fingers crossed that i can pull a few days out of this! i am VERY nervous about having Mackayla and Braylon this early. i know that now that they have had the steroids, they are much better prepared to breathe and their size is pretty good for 30 weeks! i am also VERY scared about having a c-section (which OB says is pretty much inevitable) *sigh* this is NOT going how i planned at all!

nurses are so nice here! i am so grateful for the staff that i have been helped by!

i have officially made it 48 hours from the first steroid injection which means that now, it is working for the Peanuts! yay! first short term goal-CHECK! next one, GET OUT OF JANUARY!

omg my feet are sooooooo swollen. i think that they are going to blow up!

best part of the day? my little man came by with grandma! the nurses said he could only stay a few mins b/c he is so young but he was so well behaved that he was here almost 8 hours! and when he walked in the door, i almost cried. he came in and said "i brought you some balloons mommy!" that so made my day! i love my little man and not seeing him the last few days has sucked!

i am also excited because tomorrow my momma and nana will be coming up to see me! we had made plans to go to lunch the other day but i guess thats no longer the plan really but it will be nice to see them. there are so many times when a girl just needs her momma and now is definitely one of them!

so, keep your fingers crossed that when i come off the mag tomorrow, i dont jump right back into labor. i am praying so hard for our little blessings! they need as much time as they can get and if its only a couple more days, thats ok because EVERY day inside of mommy makes them healthier and stronger to be outside of mommy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sooo...first L&D updates

12:43 PM

starting tues I started feeling funny but i brushed it off and thought i could make it to my appt today (of course if it got worse, i would go in)

wed i spent all day in bed with horrible back pain that could not be alleviated (something i am very familiar with from DS's pregnancy) so i called ob and told them about back pain and some abdominal cramping...they told me to go to l&d.

went in at 5pm and was told i was contracting (result of UTI that I found out that I don't have) but not dilating yet. cervix had softened and thinned out though.

they gave me 3 doses of something so slow it down and hooked me up to an iv and was going to send me home around 8-ish...i told them i was not feeling comfortable going home (glad i spoke my mind) 9 they let me eat and gave me the first dose of the steroid shot.

nurse came back in at 2am to monitor babies and found out i was contracting i got 2 more shots and they never really slowed down. ob came in at 6:30 and said he wanted to transfer me to another hospital (with a NICU) in case we were really having these babies...

well, on the bright side, i have always wanted to ride in an ambulance...not really at 8am from Georgetown to Austin (22 miles = 1+ hour)

i get here new ob checked and i am 1cm 50% effaced. immediately they start me on magnesium sulfate and penicillin (until GBS results come back). i got a catheter and cannot get out of bed...i still have not been allowed to eat ( i am DYING) until after the contractions have subsided enough. test show no UTI.

our short term goal is to get the last shot tonight at 9 and then of course make it 24 hour after that...then we will see. she is hoping (like all of us) for a few weeks!

8:33 PM

so we had an ultrasound and Mackayla is 3lb 10oz and Braylon is 4lbs. Thats great!

the thing that makes me sad though is that since Mackayla is our baby A and Braylon is head up, the OB says as of right now, its definitely a c-section :-( that scares me so much...she said if we can fight off the labor that things may change but IDK

YAY! the magnesium sulfate has pretty much put a drastic slow down on my i am still praying. I will get my 2nd dose of the steroid shot in about 30 mins and then of course tomorrow at 9 we shall see how things are and they will stop the magnesium sulfate and observe

they FINALLY let me eat! it has been since around 9pm yesterday! and this hospital has AMAZING food (they have a chef...I had freakin beef tenderloin medallions with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh green beans!)

other than that my butt hurts from layin on it for 24 hours and of course the contractions when they come suck....just here doin whatever i can do to keep these peanuts baking!

so, i am asking for your thoughts and prayers PLEASE! thanks so much. have a BLESSED day

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spanish words of the day!

The English teacher (Sally) asked Pepito to use the following words in a sentence and these were his replies:

1. Cheese : Maria likes me, but cheese fat.

2. Mushroom: When all of my family gets in the car, there's not mushroom.

3. Shoulder: My fren wanted to become a citizen but she didn't know how to read so I shoulder.

4. Texas: My fren always Texas me when I'm not home wondering where I'm at!

5. Herpes: Me and my fren ordered pizza. I got my piece and she got herpes.

6. July: Ju told me ju were going to that store and July to me! 'Julyer!'

7. Rectum: I had 2 cars but my wife rectum!

8. Juarez: One day my gramma slapped me and I said, ' Juarez your problem?'

9. Chicken: I was going to go to the store with my wife but chicken go herself.

10. Wheelchair: We only have one enchalada left, but don't worry, wheelchair.

11. Chicken wing: My wife plays the lottery so chicken wing.

12. Harassment: My wife caught me in bed with another women and I told her, honey, harassment nothing to me.

13. Bishop: My wife fell down the stairs, so I had to pick the bishop.

14. Body wash: I want to go to the club but no body wash my kids.

15. Green, Pink, Yellow: When the phone green, I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow?'

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So yea

Darn Vikings lost :'-(

So, tomorrow is my first day teaching since the beginning of December. Well, I will be substitute teaching but yea. I need to keep a foot in the classroom as long as I can even if I would rather stay at home all day in my pajamas like I have been.

*SIGH* so that girl NEVER came back with the girl scout cookies :-( so, I believe that I will go and buy them from someone else. I am tired of waiting! Does that make me a bad person? IDK

Yesterday my sister turned 14 :-O OMG 14! I remember when she was born and I CANNOT believe she is 14. Growing up way too fast!

So, short and sweet! I cannot wait for my Peanuts to come! I want to see them already...about 5-6 weeks! <3

Have a BLESSED evening!!!

Oh, these are the photo announcements I want


they are expensive though :-(

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Watching a show called "Multiples Mayhem" its about 14 kids with only 4 birthdays...4 different families...twins, trips, quads, quints! OMFG!

Definitely enjoying the hotdogs I just had (I know its frowned upon as a pg woman but omg sometimes, I need one lol)

Ok, my appointment today was great! I got my 17-P shot that even though is a 'waste' b/c there are no studies that show it works with twins (it can't harm though), it helps me keep peace of mind. Markhas' ptl delivery may have been a fluke (lots of stress at the time) and I may not have the problem now with Mackayla and Braylon but I would rather be safe than sorry and as long as my insurance is paying for the shot, I will continue taking the shot.

OB says things are good. I have had no contractions or anything. Cervix is still long and closed. Two very strong heartbeats! Blood pressure is great! AND I passed my 1 hour blood glucose test that I was sooooo worried about. These babies are definitely sugar babies and I thought that I would definitely fail. Thank goodness!

So, 29 weeks today. I am trying not to freak out b/c I had Markhas at 29 weeks. I have to make it to next Thursday. I am trying not to let it get to me...its going to be a tough week for me I think. I am such a worry wart! I have to keep these babies baking as long as possible! Our goal is 35-36 weeks. I know I can do it! Come on babies, keep baking! OMG this means that we could be meeting our baby boy and baby girl in 6 weeks or so! <3 I am soooooo excited!

OMG they are moving around sooo much! I LOVE IT! It lets me know that they are doing ok! I am hoping that they are starting to make their way to head first so that I can deliver naturally (vaginally w/o medicine) that is my goal. I know that there is a chance of a c-section and if thats what it takes to get our Peanuts here safe and healthy, then so be it.

Ok. Blah blah blah! sorry. Have a BLESSED day! *MUAH*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What a difference!

I will be taking some more belly pics sometime this weekend! I cannot believe I am 29 weeks!

28 weeks!


25 weeks!


21 weeks!

19 weeks!

16 weeks!

This last week....

Its been a bit sorry.

Last Saturday my best friend Rosanna threw me the most awesome baby shower! Doctor approved my travel to San Antonio and I sure was excited for it! We had a blast and got a lot of things that we needed for our Peanuts!
Here are some of the pics of the good times we had! We have a zillion pics but these are just a few.

Some of the maternity pics from the shoot that Rosanna did in my living room! They turned out GREAT!

The AWESOME guest book that she made for us!

Here is the banner that she made. I absolutely LOVED it!

One of the five diaper cakes (so awesome!) that she made!

The super cute cake that my Nana got for us!

The shirt Rosanna made for Markhas!

My AWESOME shirt!

Some of us opening gifts!


Mommy and Daddy! <3

We also got some more of the awesome maternity pics that she took!

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Needless to say, it was a GREAT weekend! Thanks Rosanna for EVERYTHING that you did for us! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate it!