well i really only slept like 3 hours last nite which kinda sucked. the nurse was in every hour b/c they have to watch the medicine that i am on...the important one thats keeping me from having these Peanuts now.
this morning was ok. Markhas is so amazing! i know it has to suck to be here and i appreciate him so much! he was ready for this and made me get ready...i thought being ready meant it was time and i did not want it to be now. thank you for making me be packed and ready for this a few weeks ago love!
Ob came in and checked and in 24 hours, I had NOT dilated any more than i was at yesterday! thats good. contractions were about 20 minutes apart and that was definitely better than the 2-5 minutes apart that they were when i was transferred here.
i was informed that i will be taken off of the magnesium sulfate tomorrow morning at 9:30 am and then they will observe me and if things are going well, i will get to get off the catheter and have shower and bathroom privileges! that means i can walk around a little which is definitely better than being on restricted bedrest!
basically once i am off the mag, i think the deal is if i go into labor, i do and if not, GREAT! so we are keeping our fingers crossed that i can pull a few days out of this! i am VERY nervous about having Mackayla and Braylon this early. i know that now that they have had the steroids, they are much better prepared to breathe and their size is pretty good for 30 weeks! i am also VERY scared about having a c-section (which OB says is pretty much inevitable) *sigh* this is NOT going how i planned at all!
nurses are so nice here! i am so grateful for the staff that i have been helped by!
i have officially made it 48 hours from the first steroid injection which means that now, it is working for the Peanuts! yay! first short term goal-CHECK! next one, GET OUT OF JANUARY!
omg my feet are sooooooo swollen. i think that they are going to blow up!
best part of the day? my little man came by with grandma! the nurses said he could only stay a few mins b/c he is so young but he was so well behaved that he was here almost 8 hours! and when he walked in the door, i almost cried. he came in and said "i brought you some balloons mommy!" that so made my day! i love my little man and not seeing him the last few days has sucked!
i am also excited because tomorrow my momma and nana will be coming up to see me! we had made plans to go to lunch the other day but i guess thats no longer the plan really but it will be nice to see them. there are so many times when a girl just needs her momma and now is definitely one of them!
so, keep your fingers crossed that when i come off the mag tomorrow, i dont jump right back into labor. i am praying so hard for our little blessings! they need as much time as they can get and if its only a couple more days, thats ok because EVERY day inside of mommy makes them healthier and stronger to be outside of mommy!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sooo...first L&D updates
12:43 PM
starting tues I started feeling funny but i brushed it off and thought i could make it to my appt today (of course if it got worse, i would go in)
wed i spent all day in bed with horrible back pain that could not be alleviated (something i am very familiar with from DS's pregnancy) so i called ob and told them about back pain and some abdominal cramping...they told me to go to l&d.
went in at 5pm and was told i was contracting (result of UTI that I found out that I don't have) but not dilating yet. cervix had softened and thinned out though.
they gave me 3 doses of something so slow it down and hooked me up to an iv and was going to send me home around 8-ish...i told them i was not feeling comfortable going home (glad i spoke my mind) 9 they let me eat and gave me the first dose of the steroid shot.
nurse came back in at 2am to monitor babies and found out i was contracting again...so i got 2 more shots and they never really slowed down. ob came in at 6:30 and said he wanted to transfer me to another hospital (with a NICU) in case we were really having these babies...
well, on the bright side, i have always wanted to ride in an ambulance...not really at 8am from Georgetown to Austin (22 miles = 1+ hour)
i get here new ob checked and i am 1cm 50% effaced. immediately they start me on magnesium sulfate and penicillin (until GBS results come back). i got a catheter and cannot get out of bed...i still have not been allowed to eat ( i am DYING) until after the contractions have subsided enough. test show no UTI.
our short term goal is to get the last shot tonight at 9 and then of course make it 24 hour after that...then we will see. she is hoping (like all of us) for a few weeks!
8:33 PM
so we had an ultrasound and Mackayla is 3lb 10oz and Braylon is 4lbs. Thats great!
the thing that makes me sad though is that since Mackayla is our baby A and Braylon is head up, the OB says as of right now, its definitely a c-section :-( that scares me so much...she said if we can fight off the labor that things may change but IDK
YAY! the magnesium sulfate has pretty much put a drastic slow down on my contractions...so i am still praying. I will get my 2nd dose of the steroid shot in about 30 mins and then of course tomorrow at 9 we shall see how things are and they will stop the magnesium sulfate and observe
they FINALLY let me eat! it has been since around 9pm yesterday! and this hospital has AMAZING food (they have a chef...I had freakin beef tenderloin medallions with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh green beans!)
other than that my butt hurts from layin on it for 24 hours and of course the contractions when they come suck....just here doin whatever i can do to keep these peanuts baking!
so, i am asking for your thoughts and prayers PLEASE! thanks so much. have a BLESSED day
starting tues I started feeling funny but i brushed it off and thought i could make it to my appt today (of course if it got worse, i would go in)
wed i spent all day in bed with horrible back pain that could not be alleviated (something i am very familiar with from DS's pregnancy) so i called ob and told them about back pain and some abdominal cramping...they told me to go to l&d.
went in at 5pm and was told i was contracting (result of UTI that I found out that I don't have) but not dilating yet. cervix had softened and thinned out though.
they gave me 3 doses of something so slow it down and hooked me up to an iv and was going to send me home around 8-ish...i told them i was not feeling comfortable going home (glad i spoke my mind) 9 they let me eat and gave me the first dose of the steroid shot.
nurse came back in at 2am to monitor babies and found out i was contracting again...so i got 2 more shots and they never really slowed down. ob came in at 6:30 and said he wanted to transfer me to another hospital (with a NICU) in case we were really having these babies...
well, on the bright side, i have always wanted to ride in an ambulance...not really at 8am from Georgetown to Austin (22 miles = 1+ hour)
i get here new ob checked and i am 1cm 50% effaced. immediately they start me on magnesium sulfate and penicillin (until GBS results come back). i got a catheter and cannot get out of bed...i still have not been allowed to eat ( i am DYING) until after the contractions have subsided enough. test show no UTI.
our short term goal is to get the last shot tonight at 9 and then of course make it 24 hour after that...then we will see. she is hoping (like all of us) for a few weeks!
8:33 PM
so we had an ultrasound and Mackayla is 3lb 10oz and Braylon is 4lbs. Thats great!
the thing that makes me sad though is that since Mackayla is our baby A and Braylon is head up, the OB says as of right now, its definitely a c-section :-( that scares me so much...she said if we can fight off the labor that things may change but IDK
YAY! the magnesium sulfate has pretty much put a drastic slow down on my contractions...so i am still praying. I will get my 2nd dose of the steroid shot in about 30 mins and then of course tomorrow at 9 we shall see how things are and they will stop the magnesium sulfate and observe
they FINALLY let me eat! it has been since around 9pm yesterday! and this hospital has AMAZING food (they have a chef...I had freakin beef tenderloin medallions with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh green beans!)
other than that my butt hurts from layin on it for 24 hours and of course the contractions when they come suck....just here doin whatever i can do to keep these peanuts baking!
so, i am asking for your thoughts and prayers PLEASE! thanks so much. have a BLESSED day
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Spanish words of the day!
The English teacher (Sally) asked Pepito to use the following words in a sentence and these were his replies:
1. Cheese : Maria likes me, but cheese fat.
2. Mushroom: When all of my family gets in the car, there's not mushroom.
3. Shoulder: My fren wanted to become a citizen but she didn't know how to read so I shoulder.
4. Texas: My fren always Texas me when I'm not home wondering where I'm at!
5. Herpes: Me and my fren ordered pizza. I got my piece and she got herpes.
6. July: Ju told me ju were going to that store and July to me! 'Julyer!'
7. Rectum: I had 2 cars but my wife rectum!
8. Juarez: One day my gramma slapped me and I said, ' Juarez your problem?'
9. Chicken: I was going to go to the store with my wife but chicken go herself.
10. Wheelchair: We only have one enchalada left, but don't worry, wheelchair.
11. Chicken wing: My wife plays the lottery so chicken wing.
12. Harassment: My wife caught me in bed with another women and I told her, honey, harassment nothing to me.
13. Bishop: My wife fell down the stairs, so I had to pick the bishop.
14. Body wash: I want to go to the club but no body wash my kids.
15. Green, Pink, Yellow: When the phone green, I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow?'
1. Cheese : Maria likes me, but cheese fat.
2. Mushroom: When all of my family gets in the car, there's not mushroom.
3. Shoulder: My fren wanted to become a citizen but she didn't know how to read so I shoulder.
4. Texas: My fren always Texas me when I'm not home wondering where I'm at!
5. Herpes: Me and my fren ordered pizza. I got my piece and she got herpes.
6. July: Ju told me ju were going to that store and July to me! 'Julyer!'
7. Rectum: I had 2 cars but my wife rectum!
8. Juarez: One day my gramma slapped me and I said, ' Juarez your problem?'
9. Chicken: I was going to go to the store with my wife but chicken go herself.
10. Wheelchair: We only have one enchalada left, but don't worry, wheelchair.
11. Chicken wing: My wife plays the lottery so chicken wing.
12. Harassment: My wife caught me in bed with another women and I told her, honey, harassment nothing to me.
13. Bishop: My wife fell down the stairs, so I had to pick the bishop.
14. Body wash: I want to go to the club but no body wash my kids.
15. Green, Pink, Yellow: When the phone green, I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow?'
Sunday, January 24, 2010
So yea
Darn Vikings lost :'-(
So, tomorrow is my first day teaching since the beginning of December. Well, I will be substitute teaching but yea. I need to keep a foot in the classroom as long as I can even if I would rather stay at home all day in my pajamas like I have been.
*SIGH* so that girl NEVER came back with the girl scout cookies :-( so, I believe that I will go and buy them from someone else. I am tired of waiting! Does that make me a bad person? IDK
Yesterday my sister turned 14 :-O OMG 14! I remember when she was born and I CANNOT believe she is 14. Growing up way too fast!
So, short and sweet! I cannot wait for my Peanuts to come! I want to see them already...about 5-6 weeks! <3
Have a BLESSED evening!!!
Oh, these are the photo announcements I want

they are expensive though :-(
So, tomorrow is my first day teaching since the beginning of December. Well, I will be substitute teaching but yea. I need to keep a foot in the classroom as long as I can even if I would rather stay at home all day in my pajamas like I have been.
*SIGH* so that girl NEVER came back with the girl scout cookies :-( so, I believe that I will go and buy them from someone else. I am tired of waiting! Does that make me a bad person? IDK
Yesterday my sister turned 14 :-O OMG 14! I remember when she was born and I CANNOT believe she is 14. Growing up way too fast!
So, short and sweet! I cannot wait for my Peanuts to come! I want to see them already...about 5-6 weeks! <3
Have a BLESSED evening!!!
Oh, these are the photo announcements I want

they are expensive though :-(
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Watching a show called "Multiples Mayhem" its about 14 kids with only 4 birthdays...4 different families...twins, trips, quads, quints! OMFG!
Definitely enjoying the hotdogs I just had (I know its frowned upon as a pg woman but omg sometimes, I need one lol)
Ok, my appointment today was great! I got my 17-P shot that even though is a 'waste' b/c there are no studies that show it works with twins (it can't harm though), it helps me keep peace of mind. Markhas' ptl delivery may have been a fluke (lots of stress at the time) and I may not have the problem now with Mackayla and Braylon but I would rather be safe than sorry and as long as my insurance is paying for the shot, I will continue taking the shot.
OB says things are good. I have had no contractions or anything. Cervix is still long and closed. Two very strong heartbeats! Blood pressure is great! AND I passed my 1 hour blood glucose test that I was sooooo worried about. These babies are definitely sugar babies and I thought that I would definitely fail. Thank goodness!
So, 29 weeks today. I am trying not to freak out b/c I had Markhas at 29 weeks. I have to make it to next Thursday. I am trying not to let it get to me...its going to be a tough week for me I think. I am such a worry wart! I have to keep these babies baking as long as possible! Our goal is 35-36 weeks. I know I can do it! Come on babies, keep baking! OMG this means that we could be meeting our baby boy and baby girl in 6 weeks or so! <3 I am soooooo excited!
OMG they are moving around sooo much! I LOVE IT! It lets me know that they are doing ok! I am hoping that they are starting to make their way to head first so that I can deliver naturally (vaginally w/o medicine) that is my goal. I know that there is a chance of a c-section and if thats what it takes to get our Peanuts here safe and healthy, then so be it.
Ok. Blah blah blah! sorry. Have a BLESSED day! *MUAH*
Definitely enjoying the hotdogs I just had (I know its frowned upon as a pg woman but omg sometimes, I need one lol)
Ok, my appointment today was great! I got my 17-P shot that even though is a 'waste' b/c there are no studies that show it works with twins (it can't harm though), it helps me keep peace of mind. Markhas' ptl delivery may have been a fluke (lots of stress at the time) and I may not have the problem now with Mackayla and Braylon but I would rather be safe than sorry and as long as my insurance is paying for the shot, I will continue taking the shot.
OB says things are good. I have had no contractions or anything. Cervix is still long and closed. Two very strong heartbeats! Blood pressure is great! AND I passed my 1 hour blood glucose test that I was sooooo worried about. These babies are definitely sugar babies and I thought that I would definitely fail. Thank goodness!
So, 29 weeks today. I am trying not to freak out b/c I had Markhas at 29 weeks. I have to make it to next Thursday. I am trying not to let it get to me...its going to be a tough week for me I think. I am such a worry wart! I have to keep these babies baking as long as possible! Our goal is 35-36 weeks. I know I can do it! Come on babies, keep baking! OMG this means that we could be meeting our baby boy and baby girl in 6 weeks or so! <3 I am soooooo excited!
OMG they are moving around sooo much! I LOVE IT! It lets me know that they are doing ok! I am hoping that they are starting to make their way to head first so that I can deliver naturally (vaginally w/o medicine) that is my goal. I know that there is a chance of a c-section and if thats what it takes to get our Peanuts here safe and healthy, then so be it.
Ok. Blah blah blah! sorry. Have a BLESSED day! *MUAH*
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What a difference!
This last week....
Its been a bit sorry.
Last Saturday my best friend Rosanna threw me the most awesome baby shower! Doctor approved my travel to San Antonio and I sure was excited for it! We had a blast and got a lot of things that we needed for our Peanuts!
Here are some of the pics of the good times we had! We have a zillion pics but these are just a few.
Some of the maternity pics from the shoot that Rosanna did in my living room! They turned out GREAT!

The AWESOME guest book that she made for us!

Here is the banner that she made. I absolutely LOVED it!

One of the five diaper cakes (so awesome!) that she made!

The super cute cake that my Nana got for us!

The shirt Rosanna made for Markhas!

My AWESOME shirt!

Some of us opening gifts!

Mommy and Daddy! <3

We also got some more of the awesome maternity pics that she took!

Needless to say, it was a GREAT weekend! Thanks Rosanna for EVERYTHING that you did for us! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate it!
Last Saturday my best friend Rosanna threw me the most awesome baby shower! Doctor approved my travel to San Antonio and I sure was excited for it! We had a blast and got a lot of things that we needed for our Peanuts!
Here are some of the pics of the good times we had! We have a zillion pics but these are just a few.
Some of the maternity pics from the shoot that Rosanna did in my living room! They turned out GREAT!

The AWESOME guest book that she made for us!

Here is the banner that she made. I absolutely LOVED it!

One of the five diaper cakes (so awesome!) that she made!

The super cute cake that my Nana got for us!

The shirt Rosanna made for Markhas!

My AWESOME shirt!

Some of us opening gifts!

Mommy and Daddy! <3

We also got some more of the awesome maternity pics that she took!

Needless to say, it was a GREAT weekend! Thanks Rosanna for EVERYTHING that you did for us! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate it!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Up going to cook those amazing orange rolls!!! I hope that everyone has a BLESSED day! *MUAH* Be safe in your travels in this YUCKY weather.
Thought this was super funny!
The secret to long life...
A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady pictured above, sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, "I couldn't help but notice how happy you look - What is your secret ?"
"I smoke ten cigars a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint.
Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food.
On weekends, I pop pills, have sex, and don't exercise at all."
"That is absolutely amazing! How old are you ?"
"Thirty-four," she replied.
Thought this was super funny!
The secret to long life...

A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady pictured above, sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, "I couldn't help but notice how happy you look - What is your secret ?"
"I smoke ten cigars a day," she said. "Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint.
Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food.
On weekends, I pop pills, have sex, and don't exercise at all."
"That is absolutely amazing! How old are you ?"
"Thirty-four," she replied.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
LONG day!
So today I had my 28 week appointment! 7 months of keeping my Peanuts baking! Lets hope for 2 more!
Everything went great. Heart two very strong heartbeats! <3 <3 <3 I am so in love with these babies and I have not even met them yet! Just like my AMAZING little man, I will love them more once I meet them.
Took my glucose test today and I am nervous that I may not pass. This has been a very heavy sugar pregnancy :-( and I have been soooo dehydrated (thought I drink water like I am dying!) BTW that orange drink was not too horrible...it was like a sunkist without any of the fizz. I like sunkist! :-D lol Markhas Aiden held my hand while the lady drew my blood.
Doc says cervix is nice and long and still closed (sorry TMI) but thats great b/c it means i'm not getting ready yet to have these little ones. With this, he has approved my going OOT tomorrow (he said no traveling after CHRISTmas) YAY!
I am VERY anxious to get through the next few weeks b/c next week is 29 weeks and thats when I had my little man...it was so scary. It makes me ready to start these steroid shots to help advance their lungs. In this case, if something were to happen, they can be ready to be here and hopefully have a short NICU stay. BUT our goal (and I am praying hard) is to make it to 35-36 weeks and be able to bring Mackayla and Braylon home from the hospital when Mommy gets out after I have them.
Thinking today, I think I will have the Peanuts on March 4th! Its a shot in the dark but its 35 weeks and for some reason that date is sticking out to me. :-D We shall see...
I was supposed to go grocery shopping today but generally after 15 mins of walking around HEB, I am soooooo tired and cannot go anymore. Since we are going OOT until Sunday, I figure I can wait until then (or Monday since hubby is off) and go get groceries. Today? Just picked up dinner stuff and those AMAZING orange rolls (like the cinnamon rolls but BETTER) that I am soooo excited to eat for breakfast with a nice glass of milk! mmmmmm.....
Ok. Off to bed. Weather here SUCKS! Hoping it clears up enough so that hubby, little man, and myself can drive down to San Antonio to be there for my shower on Sat. I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED! <3 <3 <3
Have a BLESSED evening! *MUAH*
Everything went great. Heart two very strong heartbeats! <3 <3 <3 I am so in love with these babies and I have not even met them yet! Just like my AMAZING little man, I will love them more once I meet them.
Took my glucose test today and I am nervous that I may not pass. This has been a very heavy sugar pregnancy :-( and I have been soooo dehydrated (thought I drink water like I am dying!) BTW that orange drink was not too horrible...it was like a sunkist without any of the fizz. I like sunkist! :-D lol Markhas Aiden held my hand while the lady drew my blood.
Doc says cervix is nice and long and still closed (sorry TMI) but thats great b/c it means i'm not getting ready yet to have these little ones. With this, he has approved my going OOT tomorrow (he said no traveling after CHRISTmas) YAY!
I am VERY anxious to get through the next few weeks b/c next week is 29 weeks and thats when I had my little man...it was so scary. It makes me ready to start these steroid shots to help advance their lungs. In this case, if something were to happen, they can be ready to be here and hopefully have a short NICU stay. BUT our goal (and I am praying hard) is to make it to 35-36 weeks and be able to bring Mackayla and Braylon home from the hospital when Mommy gets out after I have them.
Thinking today, I think I will have the Peanuts on March 4th! Its a shot in the dark but its 35 weeks and for some reason that date is sticking out to me. :-D We shall see...
I was supposed to go grocery shopping today but generally after 15 mins of walking around HEB, I am soooooo tired and cannot go anymore. Since we are going OOT until Sunday, I figure I can wait until then (or Monday since hubby is off) and go get groceries. Today? Just picked up dinner stuff and those AMAZING orange rolls (like the cinnamon rolls but BETTER) that I am soooo excited to eat for breakfast with a nice glass of milk! mmmmmm.....
Ok. Off to bed. Weather here SUCKS! Hoping it clears up enough so that hubby, little man, and myself can drive down to San Antonio to be there for my shower on Sat. I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED! <3 <3 <3
Have a BLESSED evening! *MUAH*
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Off to bed...
Things are going great this pregnancy! I can tell the difference with less stress and more sleep and rest. I was working and going to school full time when I was pregnant with Markhas Aiden...I think the stress and lack of sleep just became too much.
I do feel extremely exhausted A LOT, really thirsty, and my back is killing me but its all good. Whatever I need to do to make sure the Peanuts are healthy and happy!
Anyways- Tomorrow is my appt and I will be discussing with my OB about steroid shots for the babies lungs.
So, I had some maternity pics done by my BFF and they turned out GREAT! Here is the teaser...

MORE TO COME! (she is with holding them until my shower! but its soon...SATURDAY!) I am soooooo freakin excited!
Well, off to bed. Tomorrow morning breakfast with my love and my little man then off to the doctors and to run some errands. And then of course, DREADED grocery shopping. *fingers crossed* OB says I can still go OOT on Saturday for my shower...he said no traveling after CHRISTmas but did say if things were ok, I could go to San Antonio.
Oh, and applying to many more school districts...SO time consuming but being stuck at home, I do have time lol
Have a BLESSED evening! *MUAH*
I do feel extremely exhausted A LOT, really thirsty, and my back is killing me but its all good. Whatever I need to do to make sure the Peanuts are healthy and happy!
Anyways- Tomorrow is my appt and I will be discussing with my OB about steroid shots for the babies lungs.
So, I had some maternity pics done by my BFF and they turned out GREAT! Here is the teaser...

MORE TO COME! (she is with holding them until my shower! but its soon...SATURDAY!) I am soooooo freakin excited!
Well, off to bed. Tomorrow morning breakfast with my love and my little man then off to the doctors and to run some errands. And then of course, DREADED grocery shopping. *fingers crossed* OB says I can still go OOT on Saturday for my shower...he said no traveling after CHRISTmas but did say if things were ok, I could go to San Antonio.
Oh, and applying to many more school districts...SO time consuming but being stuck at home, I do have time lol
Have a BLESSED evening! *MUAH*

The First!
Since this is the first blog, here is a brief introduction.
Sarah and Markhas met while at Blinn College in 2004. After graduation they moved in together in Round Rock, Texas. We found out we were pregnant with Markhas Aiden in May of 2006 and we were super excited!
I am a mommy of a 3 year old boy born 10-4-06 at 29 weeks weighing 3lbs 8oz. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU.

We got engaged in August 2007 and after almost 2 years of planning, on June 20th, 2009 we got married at Macedonia Baptist Church in Georgetown, Tx.

In July we decided we wanted to try for another baby since I was doing my student teaching and the time frame after that was so small to try. We gave ourselves until September to become pregnant. In August 2009 we found out that we were pregnant again! This pregnancy was confirmed at 9 weeks and at 13 weeks we went in for our first ultrasound. When we went into the doctors office, we were REALLY SHOCKED when the doctor said "Its TWINS!" :-O (this would explain why I was so sick the first 3 months!) There were so many feelings and emotions going through our heads but most of all, we were all EXCITED!
On November 4 we went in for the BIG ultrasound! We found out we were having fraternal twins, a boy and a girl! COMPLETELY EXCITED!

Another exciting thing in 2009? I graduated from Texas State University with my Bachelors in Music-Education! YAY!

Sarah and Markhas met while at Blinn College in 2004. After graduation they moved in together in Round Rock, Texas. We found out we were pregnant with Markhas Aiden in May of 2006 and we were super excited!
I am a mommy of a 3 year old boy born 10-4-06 at 29 weeks weighing 3lbs 8oz. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU.

We got engaged in August 2007 and after almost 2 years of planning, on June 20th, 2009 we got married at Macedonia Baptist Church in Georgetown, Tx.

In July we decided we wanted to try for another baby since I was doing my student teaching and the time frame after that was so small to try. We gave ourselves until September to become pregnant. In August 2009 we found out that we were pregnant again! This pregnancy was confirmed at 9 weeks and at 13 weeks we went in for our first ultrasound. When we went into the doctors office, we were REALLY SHOCKED when the doctor said "Its TWINS!" :-O (this would explain why I was so sick the first 3 months!) There were so many feelings and emotions going through our heads but most of all, we were all EXCITED!
On November 4 we went in for the BIG ultrasound! We found out we were having fraternal twins, a boy and a girl! COMPLETELY EXCITED!

Another exciting thing in 2009? I graduated from Texas State University with my Bachelors in Music-Education! YAY!

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