Sarah and Markhas met while at Blinn College in 2004. After graduation they moved in together in Round Rock, Texas. We found out we were pregnant with Markhas Aiden in May of 2006 and we were super excited!
I am a mommy of a 3 year old boy born 10-4-06 at 29 weeks weighing 3lbs 8oz. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU.

We got engaged in August 2007 and after almost 2 years of planning, on June 20th, 2009 we got married at Macedonia Baptist Church in Georgetown, Tx.

In July we decided we wanted to try for another baby since I was doing my student teaching and the time frame after that was so small to try. We gave ourselves until September to become pregnant. In August 2009 we found out that we were pregnant again! This pregnancy was confirmed at 9 weeks and at 13 weeks we went in for our first ultrasound. When we went into the doctors office, we were REALLY SHOCKED when the doctor said "Its TWINS!" :-O (this would explain why I was so sick the first 3 months!) There were so many feelings and emotions going through our heads but most of all, we were all EXCITED!
On November 4 we went in for the BIG ultrasound! We found out we were having fraternal twins, a boy and a girl! COMPLETELY EXCITED!

Another exciting thing in 2009? I graduated from Texas State University with my Bachelors in Music-Education! YAY!

woot woot! To all the great things in 09! more to come in 2010!